Thursday 2 October 2014

5 Effective Ways to Increase Managers' Productivity

What's the difference between a good manager and a great one? There's no one single difference; rather, it's often the case that there's a whole host of things—both big and small—that truly excellent managers do differently. It's important to keep this in mind for team leadership training, because often, would-be and new managers are eager to find the one single key that will boost their performance, but there rarely is just one. There are, however, five different areas where managers can make changes that boost their performance and productivity to great effect.

Reflect on your Limitations

People make poor decisions for all sorts of reasons. Some focus on the details and fail to see the big picture, while others do exactly the opposite. Some people are unwilling to give credence to alternative views and opinions, while others are so busy trying to please everyone that they're unable to make decisions at all. For managers, these types of limitations can lead to serious problems, so it's crucial to have a high level of self-awareness, and understanding of what your limitations are and how they might affect you professionally.

Give—and Earn—Trust and Respect

It's increasingly expected of managers that they model ethical and socially responsible behaviour in the workplace. For example, it might mean challenging decisions and actions that are unethical, insensitive, or discriminatory, and making fair decisions even when they themselves are negatively affected.

Respect Difference and Diversity

People empathise and interact most effectively with others who are like themselves, but a great manager can interact effectively with people of different cultures and backgrounds. A great manager can lead teams made up of diverse types of people, collaborate effectively with others, and meet the needs of customers and clients of different backgrounds.

Encourage Innovation

Great managers foster a workplace atmosphere that encourages innovation and forward thinking by adapting to change, sharing their vision of a positive future, engaging with people to develop and execute new ideas, and improving their own capabilities as well as those of their team.

Connect with the Team on a Personal Level

A truly great manager can connect with people to inspire and motivate them. Forging personal connections is a vital part of this, because motivation is something that has to engage the heart as well as the mind. For sales managers training in particular this is important, because the ability to engage is a key aspect of sales as well as management.

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